
Corinna and my MZmine EU Workshop Tour 2023 concluded successfully. So there are going to be more workshops next year on Computational Mass Spectrometry. Join and learn more about: Mass Spectrometry Basics, Data Processing, Compound Annotation, Automated Spectral Library Generation, Molecular Networking, microbeMASST & MZmine.

Your next chance to join will by in April in Prague.


I am a food chemist and PhD in analytical chemistry working as a postdoctoral researcher in Computational Mass Spectrometry. After coming back to Europe from a postdoc in Pieter Dorrestein’s group at UC San Diego, I am now in Prague, working at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Tomáš Pluskal’s group that focuses on Plant Specialized Metabolism.

My research interests lie at the intersection of mass spectrometry (MS), metabolomics, and data science. I have always been fascinated by the analytical power of modern mass spectrometry, especially for non-target analysis and the discovery and elucidation of small molecules (<2000 Da) in complex samples. My food and analytical chemistry background gave me the technical skills and hands-on experience with high-end molecular and elemental mass spectrometry instruments that supported my scientific projects. In my research, I combine this practical knowledge with my passion for data science and programming to create new analytical methods, along with computational MS algorithms and open-source software.

Since 2019, I have led the MZmine open-source project as its chief architect. MZmine reached its status as one of the most cited mass spectrometry and metabolomics tools by its ease of use, processing speeds, and interactive user interfaces. Further, we expanded its capabilities by developing a workflow for integrative analysis of multimodal mass spectrometry data, combining LC-IMS-MS and IMS-MS imaging in the same tool. Read more in the corresponding Nature Biotechnology publication.


Check out our new article on-tissue dataset-dependent MALDI-TIMS-MS2 bioimaging and the corresponding SIMSEF tool to enhance your MALDI-TIMS-MS imaging studies. Check out the documentation.

Check out our new preprint A Taxonomically-informed Mass Spectrometry Search Tool for Microbial Metabolomics Data. Ever wanted to know if your significant MS2 was previously detected in other microbes? Maybe it is a common contamination? Check out our web tool on and open-source on GitHub. Refer to the documentation on GNPS.